Here we have a very good condition Honda ST 1100 Pan European. This bike comes with Long MOT, very smooth V4 engine, Shaft drive, Lockable colour coded side panniers, Twin exhaust pipes, Big bubble screen and much more. These bikes have always been known as the king of Japanese touring bikes along side its big brother the goldwing. The seating position on these bikes are so comfortable its easy understand why these bikes get the praise they get. This really is a machine you could sit on all day and get off at the other end without aches and pains. *********************VIEWINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, PLEASE************************ ****************TO AVOID LONG WAIT TIMES OR DISSAPOINTMENT******************** NATIONAL DELIVERY AVAILABLE FULL CLOSE UP VIDEOS AVAILABLE 3 MONTH WARRANTY AS STANDARD ON ALL USED VEHICLES UP TO 2 YEARS WARRANTY ON ALL NEW BIKES NATIONAL EXTENDED WARRANTYIES AVAILABLE TRADING STANDARDS APPROVED COMPANY BUY WITH CONFIDENCE APPROVED COMPANY FINANCE AVAILABLE VIDEO TECHNICAL SUPPORT EXCELLENT PROVEN CUSTOMER CARE and AFTER SALES SUPPORT *******************************PLEASE CALL 01908 822458************************************ ********************************FOR MORE INFORMATION*************************************